Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Exactly is a Diamond?

Synonymous with the word “forever,” a diamond represents a "lifetime." A favorite gift for special occasions, such as engagements or anniversaries, these precious stones sparkle like the eye that sees them. Because of its ability to hold its luster and to disperse rainbow color flashes, the diamond has become what is considered as a girl's best friend.

How are diamonds formed? Diamonds start out deep within the earth between 75 - 120 miles below the surface. Due to high pressure and high temperatures ranging from 900 - 1300 degrees Celsius, carbon atoms are forced together and then crystallize into a piece of rough diamond called octahedron because of its shape. A diamond's natural process and journey takes millions and millions of years before it’s brought to the surface of the earth by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other geologic events.

The only known mineral composed of a single element, Carbon, the diamond is one of the hardest substances on the planet and can only be scratched by other diamonds. Usually found in mines and rivers beds, these rough diamonds may appear like an ordinary piece of broken glass before they were cut and shaped into beautiful adornment or jewelry of high value and equally high demand.

The name diamond is derived from the Greek word "Adamas" which means indestructible or invincible.

For more information on this topic visit our Diamond Education & Resource Center

Princess Cut Diamond Engagement Rings Over 18,000 certified diamonds to choose from!

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